Advising for English Prep Students

The large majority of incoming students are enrolled in the English Preparatory Division.  As English Prep students do not have any knowledge of some basic issues such as the important processes and the supporting resources in the university environment, they may feel alienated and anxious.  During this period their anxiety becomes even more serious if they do not have any contact with the academic department they will start the following year.

For each prep student, a lecturer from the English Prep Division and a full time faculty member or a lecturer holding a doctoral degree from the student’s academic department or program are assigned as co-advisors.

The prep division advisor guides the students in topics related to the prep program.  He/she monitors the students’ academic progress throughout the student’s studies in the prep program, and directs the student to English support units when necessary.

Undergraduate program prep division advisor, on the other hand, assists the student in his first year at the university to form ties and remain in contact with his department.  The undergraduate advisor e-mails a welcoming message to the new student and informs him/her of the office hours.

Undergraduate program prep division advisor keeps students informed about the relevant undergraduate program throughout their studies at the Prep School, assists their adjustment to life in the university, and directs them to relevant units if he feels necessary.  He advises the students of the advantages of finishing Prep School at the end of the Fall Semester and starting their relevant departments as irregular students.

Within the framework of the ‘Orientation Program’, and during the academic semester, undergraduate program prep division advisor organizes events such as occasions to familiarize the student with the department, or meetings for students to get to know each other, as well as practices specific to each department such as peer advising programs.  The advisor is also responsible for ensuring that these activities are organized in all campuses where Prep classes are held.  Informing students as to the activities of the department in which the student can participate (for example, seminars given by external stakeholders such as the alumni, or experts from professional life) is part of the undergraduate program prep advisor’s duties.  Undergraduate program prep division advisor also encourages participation in student clubs.

The two advisors stay in contact and cooperation with each other, and direct the student to relevant service units regarding requests or problems in non-academic issues.  In cases of serious illness, psychological disturbance, or disability, the two advisors also collaborate with relevant units as well as the faculty members in whose classes the student is registered.